Category: oak tree
Can technology save us from the climate crisis?
The UVM Art and AI Research Group has created a project that director Jennifer Karson says begs the question: Can technology save us from the climate crisis?
The Three Generations of the Damaged Leaf Dataset (DLD)
Over 800 leaves from the Damaged Leaf Dataset were shown in floor to ceiling wallpaper at Burlington City Arts this spring. All three generations were represented, DLD III (created with AI) were shown as engravings on silicon wafers. Project Description: The leaf architectures of the Damaged Leaf Dataset (DLD) are ruins and creations. Collected in…
Datasets = Artistic Material In early 2020, before the widespread adoption of large language models like ChatGPT and text-to-image generators like Midjourney, I founded the UVM Art and AI Research Group, and I became one of the only faculty from the arts and humanities working in AI at my university. Initially, I was interested in…