Category: Site Specific Installation
2009 | Power + Ground, 2009
Power and Ground explored methods of mapping, scoring and recording sounds of natures and cultures in San Francisco. Approximately 50 sites in the city were recorded while considering constellations of humans, machines, animals, the elements and money. …Gradually or suddenly, one sees that humanity and nature, not separate, are in this world together. John Cage,…
2010 | Champlain Sound and Color
In 2010, using Maurice Benayoun’s Art Collider, Karson and Photographer Matt Larson sent digital images and sounds from Vermont’s Lake Champlain Waterfront to a live streaming exhibition at La Bellevilloise Gallery in Paris, France. Artists from Montreal, Canada; Paris, France; San Francisco, California; New York, New York, and Linz, Austria participated in the live event.
2014 | Your Attention Please! Ignore This Message
“Continuity seems lacking in a wold full of separately conceived physical entities all competing for space and attention, all without concern for what is nearby, and masked by portals, links, and signs to someplace else.” Malcolm McCullough, Ambient Commons Your Attention Please! Ignore this Message is a reflection on how our sensory field often refers to…
2013 | The Firehouse Bell Project
The Firehouse Bell Project was included in the exhibition User Required at Burlington City Arts Center, Burlington, VT, 2013. Curated by DJ Hellerman. The Firehouse Bell Project posed two questions: Should the Firehouse Bell ring again? If so, why should it ring? Selected Participant Responses: It should ring according to the moon cycle. Ring the bell…
2010 | Scoring the Streets of New Orleans
On New Year’s Eve 2004 I recorded while walking through the French Quarter and down Bourbon Street. The recording captured street music, music from bars and restaurants, and the boisterous crowds. The evening was welcoming in a year no one could have anticipated; in August 2005 Hurricane Katrina had a devastating impact on city of…
2015 | Place Ravignan and Picasso at Montmartre
Place Ravignan and Picasso at Montmartre were included in the exhibition Staring Back: The Creation and Legacy of Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon. Curated by Janie Cohen and on view at the Fleming Museum of Art, Burlington, VT, February 3 – June 21, 2015 Place Ravignan In the process of creating these works, Karson staged and produced recordings,…