
Datasets = Artistic Material In early 2020, before the widespread adoption of large language models like ChatGPT and text-to-image generators like Midjourney, I founded the UVM Art and AI Research Group, and I became one of the only faculty from…

2023 | Creative AI Vermont: Symposium on Artificial Intelligence +

With Co-Organizer Chris Thompson and Burlington City Arts , I’m excited to share that registration opened this week for the  Vermont Creative AI: Symposium on Artificial Intelligence + Art.   Other upcoming programs include a AI Ethics…
2022 - Ongoing | Liquid Architectures and Leaky Territories

2022 – Ongoing | Liquid Architectures and Leaky Territories

Liquid Architectures: Topographs 2022 stereolithography resin 3D print (six) various sizes colored gels, light table 40″ x 10″ x 16″ Photo credit: Bailey Beltramo Liquid Architectures: Topographs 2022 stereolithography resin…


Jenn Karson, 2022 Artist Jenn Karson uses scientific processes and technologies as creative catalysts. Her art practice weaves tactile techniques with generative algorithms, transmuting digital data into architectural forms and visual…

Five Guardrails for Artists Working with Machines and A.I.

While attending the July Center for Machine Arts residency, surrounded by so many seductive artmaking technologies, I had to spend my time efficiently as we prepared for a fast-approaching exhibition. This is not an unfamiliar process for me as I routinely…
1995-1999 | Zola Turn

1995-1999 | Zola Turn

Pure power pop with sensible lyrics and a standout sound. On the b-side is “Falling” – opening on a slinky guitar hook – balanced by Jennifer Karson’s alluring vocals – and slippery pop sense; the song ends in a guitar seizure – my favorite on the…
2001 | Bad Ju Ju

2001 | Bad Ju Ju

From 1999 – 2002 Jenn was the lead vocalist, songwriter and band leader for Bad Ju Ju . The band performed in Burlington, Vermont at Club Metronome, Higher Ground, Red Square, South End Art Hop and Half Lounge. For most of the time the band was together…

Performance Venues

Salon Pod Appearances 2006                 South End Art Hop,  Pine Street Art Park, Burlington VT. The Bee’s Knees, Morrisville, VT.  2006                 Radio Bean, Burlington, VT.   Langdon Street Café. Montpelier, VT.  200…
Recent Press + Recorded Events

Recent Press + Recorded Events

Beautiful Ruins (Seven Days Newspaper, 2022) The Art in Artificial Interview Series (Produced by Jenn Karson, 2022) UVM Artist Uses Research and Artificial Intelligence to Create (UVM Today, 2022) Trailer for Aquela Que Eu Queria Ser (The One…
Introducing the Insuboratory Podcast

Introducing the Insuboratory Podcast

A Place for Art + Science Elixirs Elvis sports Insuboratory shades. Coming Soon! BE THE FIRST TO KNOW! Sign up here to be notified when we launch. The Insuboratory is a podcast that explores the shared curiosities of…
2009 | GreenLab

2009 | GreenLab

While a grad student at SFAI I was the teaching assistant for the SFAI Design + Technology course Green by Design taught by Paul Klein . Our class project GreenLab invited the SFAI Community to participate in two days of activities, workshops,…
2010 - 2017 | Sound and Listening Workshops

2010 – 2017 | Sound and Listening Workshops

SubAmbient SoundLab Mapping Found Sounds Sounds of the Earth, Sea and Sky SubAmbient SoundLab SubAmbient Sound refers to sounds discovered through excavation, sounds found below the surfaces of things and places. What seemed solid and…
2011 - 2015 | Vermont Makers

2011 – 2015 | Vermont Makers

Vermont Makers contribute to local and international conversations about the confluence of art, science and technology. Jenn and her cofounders have contributed to exhibits, public program and maker faires. Members of Vermont Makers were key…
2014 - Ongoing  | UVM FabLab

2014 – Ongoing | UVM FabLab

Jenn is the director of the University of Vermont FabLab , a digital fabrication and educational lab that supports student expertise and peer-to-peer mentoring; a student staff runs its day-to-day operations. In an average year over 700 projects go through…
2019 - 2021 | Intermedia Collaborations

2019 – 2021 | Intermedia Collaborations

Aquela Que Eu Queria Ser, 2021 https://vimeo.com/573142926 Aquela Que Eu Queria Ser (The One I Wanted To Be) 2001 Co-produced by Paula Higa and Jenn Karson. Garden architecture by Ken Mills . …
2019 - Ongoing | Tessellation Modules

2019 – Ongoing | Tessellation Modules

An ever-growing set of hexagons that are assembled, dissembled and reassembled by maker-artists. Students from the course Digital Fabrications at the University of Vermont hang their work. Student work…
2022 | The Art in Artificial Interview Series

2022 | The Art in Artificial Interview Series

When the Vermont Complex Systems Center at the University of Vermont hosted  The Conference on Artificial Life: What Can Alife offer AI? it included a call for artists. The Art in Artificial is an interview series with some of these artists, conducted …

Amay Kataria

https://vimeo.com/687532294 Amay’s pre-pandemic Figments series was prophetic. It anticipated the dynamics of our forced virtual relationships during the pandemic and a shared longing during many months of social isolation – a longing now so familiar…

David Kadish

https://vimeo.com/687520385 David’s work challenges paradigms of what is natural, artificial, and intelligent. There are themes of call and response through out his work – literally in the sound gestures he creates and metaphorically in his approach…

Hendrik Richter

https://vimeo.com/687521747 Hendrik’s work shows us how the noticing of the tiniest of creatures can bring awe and provide a meaningful opportunity to recognize the miraculous. -JK References from Hendrik’s interview on ProteusTV Designing…

Kevin Mack

https://vimeo.com/687534191 The next best thing to visiting Anandala is experiencing it in Virtual Reality. It’s a place that wouldn’t exist at all without Kevin’s masterful imagination, artistry, and technical skill. Anandala is a utopian universe…

Sam Meech

https://vimeo.com/687525374 The physicality of Sam’s video work is striking. Even in its digital form, it seems like something that can be touched. He turns light into an earthy clay. -JK Related Works and Resources Video in the Abyss…

Yuquin Sun

https://vimeo.com/687530673 What will the fossils of our digital age be? What form will they take? How will we be remembered thousands of years from now? Yuquin imagines how we might be remembered when our time on earth becomes prehistoric….
2005 - 2006 | Salon Pod

2005 – 2006 | Salon Pod

Salon Pod in the Studio Ju Ju Gardens The Salon Pod sound experience turned the tables on audience and stage performer; Salon Pod made the listener the center of attention. Salon Pod Greeting Le Coiffeur Salon Pod by Jenn Karson…
2008 - 2009 |The San Francisco Foghorns are Public Art

2008 – 2009 |The San Francisco Foghorns are Public Art

Public art presupposes the public sphere and produces a public in relation to that concept. Unlike popular or mass art, it does not assume a preexistent generic audience to be entertained or instructed but sets out to forge a specific public by means…
2008 |1500 Waters

2008 |1500 Waters

The sound installation 1500 Waters  was created for the group show  Expanding in the Thomas Welton Stanford Art Gallery on the Stanford University campus. 1500 Waters  is a study of abundance and scarcity. The project set out to…
2009 | Navigating the Bay

2009 | Navigating the Bay

A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between thing, interbeing, intermezzo…The middle is by no means an average; on the contrary, it is where things pick up speed. Between things does not designate a localizable relation d…
2009 | Power + Ground, 2009

2009 | Power + Ground, 2009

Power and Ground explored methods of mapping, scoring and recording sounds of natures and cultures in San Francisco. Approximately 50 sites in the city were recorded while considering constellations of humans, machines, animals, the elements and money….
2010 | Champlain Sound and Color

2010 | Champlain Sound and Color

In 2010, using Maurice Benayoun’s Art Collider , Karson and Photographer Matt Larson sent digital images and sounds from Vermont’s Lake Champlain Waterfront to a live streaming exhibition at La Bellevilloise Gallery in Paris, France. Artists from…
2010 | Scoring the Streets of New Orleans

2010 | Scoring the Streets of New Orleans

On New Year’s Eve 2004 I recorded while walking through the French Quarter and down Bourbon Street. The recording captured street music, music from bars and restaurants, and the boisterous crowds. The evening was welcoming in a year no one could have…
2010 | Sounds of a Stone Home

2010 | Sounds of a Stone Home

Sounds of a Stone HomeSite-Specific Sound Installation, 2010 Sounds of Stone Home was a site-specific sound installationthat explored the comings and goings of the creatures, people and things who have inhabited the stonequarries at…
2011 | Released

2011 | Released

Going to Waterbury: An Elegy was a a closing ceremony for Vermont’s Waterbury State Hospital. The “asylum” was permanently closed after flooding from Tropical Storm Irene in 2011 made it uninhabitable. The site-specific sound installation Released…
2013 | The Firehouse Bell Project

2013 | The Firehouse Bell Project

The Firehouse Bell Project was included in the exhibition User Required at Burlington City Arts Center, Burlington, VT, 2013. Curated by DJ Hellerman. The Firehouse Bell Tower The…
2014 | Your Attention Please! Ignore This Message

2014 | Your Attention Please! Ignore This Message

“Continuity seems lacking in a wold full of separately conceived physical entities all competing for space and attention, all without concern for what is nearby, and masked by portals, links, and signs to someplace else.” Malcolm McCullough, Ambient…
2015 | Place Ravignan and Picasso at Montmartre

2015 | Place Ravignan and Picasso at Montmartre

Place Ravignan and Picasso at Montmartre were included in the exhibition Staring Back: The Creation and Legacy of Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon . Curated by Janie Cohen and on view at the Fleming Museum of Art, Burlington, VT, February 3 -…
2015 | The Picture Was an Outrage

2015 | The Picture Was an Outrage

The Picture Was an Outrage was included in the exhibition Staring Back: The Creation and Legacy of Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon .Curated by Janie Cohen and on view at the Fleming Museum of Art, Burlington, VTFebruary 3 – June 21, 2015 The…
2016-2018 | Calls From The Dark

2016-2018 | Calls From The Dark

Calls from the Dark is a sound installation that explores the intoxicated longings of animals and machines; it was created to be played outside at night at the edge of the woods. Originally installed for the Illuminated Forest at Shelburne Farms…

The Generative Tree

The Plant Machine Design Group’s machine learning model heals a leaf damaged by Vermont’s recent Spongy Moth outbreak.  What:  Art Exhibition: The Generative Tree: New Work by Jenn Karson Please note the following dates: Exhibition…